Privacy Policy

Here at Franz Valles Media, we value your privacy and security. Here are the summary of our policies regarding privacy.

You may also read the full privacy policy below the summary.

We only store browser sessions.

We never sell your personal data, and your non-personal data is only sent to us by the browser for analytical purposes. You don't even need to create an account, and the contact form is optional. You can contact us via email or phone.

All forms are protected under the Data Privacy Act.

Personal information like name and email are completely protected and governed by the Data Privacy Act of 2012. We never pull those info out in the open to protect user privacy.

You're in control.

You may request that any associated data within you be deleted from our servers. Just email us at and we'll handle your request.

Franz Valles Media Privacy Policy

Last updated August 5, 2024
Effective August 6, 2024

Franz Valles Media respects your privacy. By visiting this site, your analytical information will be stored for analytics purposes. This includes your approximate location, browser, operating system, how you visited the website, clicks and bounces.

All the forms, including the contact form in the footer of the website, is protected and governed by the Data Privacy Act of 2012. We collect the necessary information only to recognize you in emails.

All the projects posted on the website are within the limitations of Franz Valles Media on the particular event. This includes the event pictures, any information pertaining to the event, and services offered. If the event is private and confidential, we won't disclose any information of the particular event on the website.

Franz Valles Media Facebook app is covered under the Privacy Policy of Meta Technologies, Inc., and its subsidiaries. Franz Valles Media still reserves the right to maintain the privacy of the app and its permissions given to the end user.

Any app and website data deletion requests made by the end user should be honored by Franz Valles Media within 14 days of request.

Should any complaints arise regarding the implementation of the privacy procedures and how we handle your data, or if you want to delete your information with us, you may contact us at or report directly to the National Privacy Commission.
